
This is Benjypenguin. The main admin of club penguin cheatium. Also founder.
Club Penguin Cheatium. You cannot copy. If found, we will shut down your blog. Powered by Blogger.

Secret Spy 6

Secret Spy 6
Secret is a awesome penguin who makes things fun! He is a enjoyable person.


This is rih! My youtube partner! He is the second main admin of the blog! He makes great gfx and will help me. He is a partner!


Our new and offical staff member. He is a great penguin that loves our team's blog.

Club Penguin Cheatium Views

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New staff coming soon!

Hey guys!

Sorry to keep you waiting. So anyways, one of the new staff will come in a different time. NOTE: I did not fire petchy as he is no longer posting and he is now quitting my blog. The other one couldn't accept the invitation.


February 10: New staff coming (One)
February 17: New staff arriving (one)
February 19: Birthday party from Benjypenguin!
March 7 - May 3: Say bye to Benjypenguin as he will have to leave for 3 months! Secret will take over club penguin cheatium!
May 4: Benjypenguin returns to club penguin!
May ???: When Card jitsu snow comes, I will be on trackcp to track sensei!

And a secret event. Let's see if you will remember! :)

Sometime in June, we will rock the music jam because it's Benjypenguin's favorite event! You will see him there often and you can have a chance to meet him in servers like Abominable or even a PB's location! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Benjy! It's Spongeguy! Long time no see! What's going on? How the world keeping ya?


Welcome to Club Penguin Cheatium, Make sure to pick up the helm pin at the ski hill!

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